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Writer's picturejustinwbn5

Foods To Avoid During A Cold Or Flu.

1. Fast Food And Processed Foods. Forget illness, even when you’re healthy these foods are not good for you. So, when you are down with a cold and flu, you better stay away from fast foods and processed snacks. These foods contain less of nutrients and more of preservatives. They hardly help boost your immunity and mostly hinder recovery. They contain genetically modified products like monosodium glutamate, artificial colors, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, and many other immune-inhibiting ingredients. None of these can help alleviate the suffering nor do they cure a cold and flu.

2. Alcohol. Many people consider drinking a shot of brandy to ease a cold. It may warm your throat and provide temporary relief, but in reality, alcohol only weakens the immune system and dehydrates the body. Dehydration and a weakened immune system further deteriorate the condition and you may end up feeling worse instead of better. Alcohol consumption can modulate the immune response and influence the risk of developing a common cold. However, red wine, which is rich in flavonoids, may have a protective effect against the common cold. Moderate consumption of wine, but not of other alcoholic beverages, may reduce the occurrence of com the on cold.

3. Oily Foods. Foods that contain excess fats and those that are oily must be avoided. Deep fried and fatty foods can cause inflammation in the stomach and leave you with an upset stomach. Greasy foods and foods high in fat can adversely impact the immune system and delay recovery. Fried chicken, French fries, or any other deep fried foods must be avoided.

4. High-Sugar Foods. Refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives are common ingredients in packaged juices, donuts, candies, or other high-sugar foods. Sugar interferes with the body’s mechanism to fight the bacteria that causes cold and flu. Consuming a high-sugar diet prevents the body from combating congestion and this leads to more phlegm accumulation. Sugar increases congestion, reduces the ability of white blood cells to fight illness and provides a conducive environment for the bacteria to thrive. If you must drink fruit juices, make them yourself at home, but don’t add sugar. If you must add something sweet, consider honey or maple syrup, which contains many beneficial minerals.

5. Meat And Meat Products. Meat and meat products are something to be avoided, at least temporarily until the bout of cold and flu has passed. Meat products take longer to digest and your digestive system must work overtime to completely assimilate them. Sticking to vegetarian foods during this time enables your body to recover faster and fight the illness more efficiently. Animal fats impede the body’s power to eliminate the bacteria and virus that cause illness. This results in you experiencing prolonged sickness. Many vegetarian foods contain antioxidants that help tackle the bacteria and promotes recovery.


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