1. Eat mindfully. When you pay attention to the food you eat, you’ll feel satisfied more quickly. By contrast, if you eat while you’re distracted, you probably won’t even taste your food – and after the meal, you’ll feel like you want more. Research has found that people who eat while they’re distracted actually consume about 10% more calories in a meal. So next time you serve yourself a plate, turn off the TV and put away your phone – you’ll enjoy the food more while eating less.
2. Eat filling foods. Some foods will keep you full longer than others. Fiber and protein, in particular, will keep you feeling satisfied for hours after a meal. Refined sugar, on the other hand, will make your stomach start growling again an hour after you eat. Manage your hunger cues by avoiding simple carbs (like candy, bread, and pastries), and eating plenty of lean meat, beans, eggs, fruits, and vegetables.
3. Eat more slowly. The fastest ways to lose weight may be to simply eat more slowly. It takes time for your brain to catch up with your stomach. Eating slowly can help you avoid accidentally eating more than you need to. Instead of scarfing down your lunch in five minutes, set a timer and enjoy your meal over the course of half an hour.
4. Swap sugary drinks for healthier options. Soda is one of the biggest sources of empty calories in most people’s diets. There’s nothing nutritionally redeeming about soda, and drinking a couple of bottles every day could cause you to put on a pound a week. Switch your full-sugar soda for healthier options, and you’ll probably see a few pounds melt off with no other effort. Diet soda is okay if you can’t give up carbonation, but black coffee, green tea, and plain water are even better.
5. Stay hydrated. Speaking of water, one of the best things you can do to lose weight easily is to drink plenty of water. When you’re dehydrated, you can actually feel like you’re hungry, even though water is what your body craves. Sipping water throughout the day will keep your hunger levels down, and it’ll give you more energy, too.