1. Weight Gain. Peanuts are known for their healthy unsaturated fats, which help control cholesterol levels. This doesn’t mean you should go crazy, though. While most of the fats are healthy, there’s still a small amount of saturated fat. For example, 2 tbsps of smooth peanut butter give you 3 grams, or 24 percent, of your daily requirement.
2. Risk Of Fungal And Bacterial Infection. Peanuts could get easily contaminated. A fungus known as Aspergillus flavus could develop in peanuts, making them toxic. The fungus produces aflatoxin, a toxin that can lead to liver cancer. Look out for any discoloration in peanuts; if they are sort of green or yellow, don’t eat them. And that’s not all.
3. Poor Bone Health. Did you know that peanuts can help your bones? Just 1 oz has 100 mg of phosphorus, a mineral that helps bind calcium in bones. Ideally, you should limit your phosphorus intake to 900 mg a day. It is unlikely that you will eat 9 ounces of peanuts a day, but do keep in mind that foods like beef liver, instant pudding, and boxed macaroni and cheese are rich sources. If you have an existing kidney problem, you are more at risk of phosphorus accumulation.