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  • Writer's picturejustinwbn5

Making Easy but Healthy Decisions.

1. Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated with basic H2O is an easy and dramatic way to improve your health. Drinking enough water can also help with weight loss by keeping your stomach feeling full. Drink water before, during and after a meal to aid digestion.

2. Avoid sugary drinks. These include soft drinks, juices, sports and energy drinks, as well as other products containing artificial sweeteners. Giving up sugary drinks is one of the easiest ways you can instantly improve your diet and become healthier. A white chocolate crème frappuccino has whopping 500 calories.[8] While it's okay to treat yourself with these and other drinks every once in a while, it's not a good idea to make them a regular part of your diet. 

3. Consider participating in Meatless Mondays. Meatless Monday is an international campaign that encourages people to give up eating meat one day per week. Eating less meat can have several health benefits, as most people already have enough protein in their diets. 

4. Stay away from fast food. As we all know fast food is bad for our health, yet it continues to remain a weekly staple for too many people. For one, fast food is often fried, processed, and excessively salty. Add soft drinks and fries and your meal could easily burn through half of your suggested caloric intake for the day. To add insult to injury, much of the fat contained in fast food is trans fat, the worst kind of fat.

5. Reduce your alcohol intake. Excessive alcohol consumption makes you gain weight and is hard for the liver to process leading to a host of preventable diseases. Drinking in moderation is key, if you do consume alcohol, consider drink a glass of wine or beer with your meal as opposed to multiple drinks at a bar. 


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