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  • Writer's picturejustinwbn5

6 Tips to Reduce Hair Fall.

1. Wash your scalp regularly, but don't overdo it. The recommended frequency of your showers depends on your type of hair and your level of activity. If your hair feels mushy or it splits while wet, you may be washing it too often.

2. Reduce styling and heat. Frequent heat styling, dying, or bleaching can damage your hair. At most, heat style at low heat once every few days. Dye or bleach rarely. Even everyday hair products may cause damage. Do without them for a week to see if your hair condition improves. If it does, try different products or reduce the amount you rely on them.

3. Brush and clip gently. Avoid hard brushes or unnecessary brushing. Too many hair clips or hairpins can also cause breakage. Your hair is more vulnerable when wet. Wait until your hair dries before brushing or combing. Wooden combs may cause less damage than plastic ones.

4. Massage your scalp. Massage your scalp in small circles with the tip of your fingers for about five minutes every day. For better results, try it with your head upside down. Do not use your fingernails. This can irritate your skin and loosen your roots.

5. Reduce stress. Stress can increase hair loss, along with many other medical problems. Try meditation, counseling, or exercise to reduce your stress levels. Address sources of stress in your life in your personal relationships, workload, and living situation.

6. Check your diet. Your hair needs protein, essential vitamins, and healthy fats to grow and stay healthy. Some people find improvements when they add eggs, yogurt, flax seed, salmon, walnuts, oysters, sweet potatoes, lentils, Greek yogurt, strawberries, or poultry to their diet. Others take supplements of iron, zinc, B-vitamins, and/or vitamin E.


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