1. Freestyle
This is one of the fast strokes and is best for beginners.
Float on the water with your face down, and hands extended above your head on the surface of the water.
Take your right hand under the water, push the water back, lift your right hand above the water, and bring it back to the starting position.
Quickly, take your left hand under the water and do the same. Make sure to move your head side to side to inhale and exhale.
2. Backstroke
Float on the water on your back. Your hands must be by your side.
Lift your right hand, move it in a circle, and plunge it back in the water.
Push the water back so that your body moves forward.
Recover your right hand to the surface.
Simultaneously, do the same with your left hand.
3. Breaststroke
Float in the water with your face down, body flat, and arms extended over your head.
Keep your arms straight and pull water from above your head to your chest.
As your palms reach your chest level, fold your arms back and move both of them over your head to the starting position.
Extend your arms forward, submerge your head in the water, and exhale slowly through your mouth or nose.
Kick the water backward to help you move forward.
4. Butterfly
Float in the water with your face down, arms extended above your head, and palms facing down.
Pull your arms down and move your hands in a semicircular motion towards your body.
Recover both your arms in a sweeping motion out of the water.
Let your hands re-enter the water and come back to the starting position.
As your arms just come out of the water, lift your chin, look straight, and breathe in.
Your leg action should be like that of a mermaid. Keep both your legs together, and toes pointed out, and kick downward.
The second kick should be more powerful to help you move forward when your arms are in the recovery phase.
5. Dog Paddle
Float in the water with your head up.
Paddle your hands and legs in an alternative manner imitating how dogs swim.
6. Sidestroke
Float on your right. Keep your right arm extended, and legs together. Tilt your head up and look sideways.
Perform the scissor action with your legs. Flex both your legs and move the top leg forward and bottom leg backward and bring them back to the starting position in a circular motion.
Use your right arm to pull the water from above your head. Your top arm is the trailing arm that helps push the pulled water downward.