1. Understand how fear affects your confidence. Sometimes people become hyper aware of themselves and worry they're coming across the wrong way which can make other people think poorly of them. Everyone feels fearful and nervous from time to time, and this is normal. But, if you are feeling fearful to the point that it affects your daily life and interactions, it may be time to address some of these fears.
2. Check in with your body. What is your body telling you? Is your heart racing? Are you sweating? These are all autonomic, or involuntary, bodily responses that are meant to ready us for action (like fight or flight), but sometimes these bodily sensation can create more fear and worry.
3. Evaluate what you're afraid of. Determine if this fear is helping you in some way or if it's keeping you from doing things or living your life. Some other things you can ask are:
What am I afraid of happening?
Am I sure it will happen? How sure?
Has it happened before? What was the end result of it happening before?
What is the worst that could happen?
4. Practice meditation and mindfulness. Many times we feel nervous and anxious when we feel we are not in control. If you are going into an anxiety producing situation, take a few minutes beforehand to do a few minutes of meditation or journaling before going into the situation. This way, you will be in a calmer state to start.
5. Write down what you're afraid of. Write down the thought that causes fear or anxiety. Ask yourself questions to evaluate where the fear comes from. Doing this will let you keep track of your thoughts and fears, identify patterns, think about the fear in a different way, and help remove it from your mind.